You’ve been using twitter for years now (It is hard to believe that it has been around for seven years). Twitter is where you get your updates on world news, inspiration for working out, and even the latest information on Justin Beiber. You have even found some great resources about teaching and learning, but you haven’t quite figured out how to integrate with students in your online or blended course. Here are ten ideas for using Twitter with students.
- Tweet out reminders to students regarding important days, assignments, or assessments.
- Ask students to tweet their opinions or thoughts about a focus of classroom discussion using a class hashtag.
- Use weekly hashtags to collect feedback, questions, or comments from students.
- Share resources (websites, news articles, blog posts, etc.) with students.
- Ask students to share important or useful resources they find related to course content.
- Have students follow people, organizations, or government entities and track what they are doing/saying related to the course content.
- Communicate with experts. Find authors, scientists, historians, or industry experts on Twitter and connect with them to gain insight or ask for advice/help.
- Have students build 140-character summaries based on reading assignments. The brevity of the statement will keep them focused.
- Encourage students to tweet an inspirational quote of the day related to course content.
- Stimulate conversation by having students coordinate and collaborate via twitter.